Dry Grass

Trying to make a pile of dry grass look appealing using the Rolleiflex 3.5E and Fuji 160C film (converted to B&W and toned). I dropped off a few rolls of film at Downtown Camera today — including my first real attempt at cross-processing (35mm Ektachrome 100GX) — keep your fingers crossed!

Rays of light

I developed a few rolls of B&W film last week — the first home B&W I’ve done in about six months. (Having a baby in the house will do that to you.) I mixed up fresh fixer and a new batch of Thornton’s metol two-bath developer, then proceeded to soup up two rolls of Neopan…

Outside work

This miniature forest sits just outside my workplace, which is otherwise surrounded by a featureless suburban industrial park. This image came from the Nikon F90, 50mm lens, Fuji Reala (processed and scanned at the lab).


  The weather is warmer, the days are longer, and I’m venturing outside and shooting film again. This was taken in the Rolleiflex on slightly expired Fuji (either 160C or Reala, I’ll have to check) and played around with a bit in PS.

Venetian Bay

  Back of an upscale shopping plaza in Naples, FL. Digital infrared with the Nikon D70s (“point-and-pray” with the lens set at 18mm) converted to B&W in PS. I actually have a roll of 35mm colour negative film in the camera and hope to have it finished and processed soon. It’s been a long time…

Bird Of Paradise

  This started as a full-colour digital image to which I applied three B&W split-toning layers (with masks on different parts of the image). Split-toning is possible in the traditional darkroom, but the range of tones that can be reliably generated is much smaller, and the process is a lot less predictable. Anyway, this flower…

Piering out

  My father-in-law standing on the pier in Naples, Florida. Taken on the D70s with the Tokina 12-24mm lens at 12mm (equivalent to 18mm in 35mm format — he was only a few feet away from me!)