New and revised static pages

Lately, several people have e-mailed me asking for information on how I develop and scan my images. I decided to write up a general outline for anyone interested, and posted it as How I process and scan film. If you find that article interesting, you might want to check out my recently revised article on…

My Day in Photos

A fellow named David Chin from Australia is running a site called My Day in Photos — sort of a “Day in the Life Of” photobloggers from around the world. It’s a neat idea, so I agreed to participate, and documented my April 22nd with the D70s. You can see my contribution here.

Site migration update

Things are moving well with the migration of my site to WordPress 2.1 — I’ve “imported” all of my photoblog posts from December 2006 as Flickr-linked thumbnails and am in the process of populating the blog with the content from the former “Photosensitive Words” site. All of the articles should re-direct here now, and once…

The new

After toying with the idea for a long time, I’ve finally made the switch to a new hosting provider and to WordPress 2.1. Please mind the growing pains as I attempt to transfer all my old photoblog and “words” posts to this new format. And please update your RSS feeds!

Happy 2nd Birthday to Me!

I started “seriously” photoblogging in November of 2004, and registered my site with on December 1st, 2004. I’ve had fun maintaining this site over the last two years — it has definitely pushed me to continuously shoot, process and refine, which is why I started a photoblog in the first place. I’ve definitely posted…