Developing your own black-and-white film isn’t especially difficult, but it can be tricky to get the hang of the whole process — especially when problems don’t reveal themselves until the very end. Many of the questions that get asked on photography forums relate to troubleshooting the development process. Here, as a community service, are some…
All posts in Photographica
Crossed leaves
Posted as-is from a drugstore scan (1500×1000 pixels) of cross-processed Ektachrome GX film. The scans were mostly blown out, but I liked the look. They say that Kodak film works “best” at cross-processing. I have a lot of 120-format Provia lying around, so it might be time to test that hypothesis. I shot this at…
Another picture from the one-roll project, taken with the Nikon FG and Sigma 18-35mm lens on Efke 25.
Wheel of Light
I’ve felt a bit uninspired lately, so I decided to kick-start what’s left of my artistic brain by giving myself a project. For about a week, I carried around a deliberately limited rig (the Nikon FG loaded with a single roll of ultra-slow Efke 25, mounted with a slow and somewhat unsharp Sigma wide-angle zoom).…
Interesting links for a summers’ evening
Happy Canada Day, everyone. In the absence of any actual photography (I have some digital stuff in the pipeline, but sadly, have not taken out the Rolleiflex in several weeks) here are some interesting links that may of interest to my readers (are you out there?) Two-Bath Development: Exposure and Development Strategy for Scanning by…
Rays of light
I developed a few rolls of B&W film last week — the first home B&W I’ve done in about six months. (Having a baby in the house will do that to you.) I mixed up fresh fixer and a new batch of Thornton’s metol two-bath developer, then proceeded to soup up two rolls of Neopan…
“Popping” images with Unsharp Masking
Over at The Online Photographer (a site that has lately become regular reading for me) a recent post by Ctein linked back to an excellent summary of the benefits of using low-level, high-radius Unsharp Masking as a way to get images to “pop”. This is a technique that I use on almost every scanned image…
Unexpected places
.flickr-photo { border: solid 0px #000000; } .flickr-yourcomment { } .flickr-frame { text-align: left; padding: 0px; } .flickr-caption { font-size: 0.8em; margin-top: 0px; } You can sometimes find photography in unexpected places. On Saturday, while leafing through a profile of Groupe Aeroplan CEO Rupert Duschene in Report on Business magazine, I learned that the man…
In-Camera Diptych
.flickr-photo { border: solid 0px #000000; } .flickr-yourcomment { } .flickr-frame { text-align: left; padding: 0px; } .flickr-caption { font-size: 0.8em; margin-top: 0px; } You’re looking at two adjacent 6×4.5cm frames from the Zenobia 6×4.5cm folding camera (which I don’t use too often). The film was Fuji Neopan 400 developed in Rodinal 1+50 (9 mins…
Autumn Leaves, 2008
Among my purchases at the PHSC Camera Fair was a set of no-name +1 close-up lenses for the Rolleiflex for about $20 (a steal at this price, because I have the “rare” 3.5E with Bay II filter mounts). I took it for a test drive on a walk through the neighbourhood and came back with…