Photography and Painting

Another great post at The Online Photographer — this time showing what photographers can learn from landscape painters. Worth a read for anyone interested more in form and composition than in megapixels or line pair resolution.


Mike Johnston over at The Online Photographer has a post up today about photography website design and the painful navigational hurdles that some photographers impose on their website visitors.  He proposes the idea of  “tensets” –selections of a photographer’s 10 (self-chosen) best and most representative images, displayed clearly on the “landing page” of his or…

Dodging and burning

A recent post on Lifehacker discussed techniques for successful B&W digital photography. Many commenters argued about the benefits of shooting on overcast days and RAW vs. JPEG, but I tried to point out that the most memorable and interesting B&W images we see (fine art, portraiture, commercial photography, etc.) have had local contrast and density…

Resources for film scanning

As the years go by, good digital cameras are getting cheaper and cheaper, but dedicated film scanners are becoming more scarce. Konica-Minolta folded a few years back, leaving Nikon (and a few low-end manufacturers) as the only significant player in the dedicated film scanner business. At the same time, Epson keeps rolling out improved versions…

Film is not dead, it just smells funny

I’ve been having a great time looking through the group photoblog at There’s a lot of high-quality work there — plus other stuff that I’m not as fond of — all shot on film, and all thought-provoking. There’s a moderated Flickr group that goes along with it. Worth a daily visit, for sure.

Keeping It Affordable

An interesting thread at Flickr outlines a whole bunch of ways to do film photography on the cheap, especially for Americans. I had an article on a similar topic on an older version of this site, but the information in the Flickr thread is more up-to-date. Definitely worth a visit.