Photography and Painting

Another great post at The Online Photographer — this time showing what photographers can learn from landscape painters. Worth a read for anyone interested more in form and composition than in megapixels or line pair resolution.

Hillcrest Park

“Fine art” photography has taken a back-seat to family photography lately, but I am still alive. Rolleiflex 3.5E, late-afternoon June light, Kodak Tri-X 400, developed in Rodinal. This combination is too grainy in 35mm for my taste, but it works well in 120.


Mike Johnston over at The Online Photographer has a post up today about photography website design and the painful navigational hurdles that some photographers impose on their website visitors.  He proposes the idea of  “tensets” –selections of a photographer’s 10 (self-chosen) best and most representative images, displayed clearly on the “landing page” of his or…

Why is my film blank? (and other FAQs)

Developing your own black-and-white film isn’t especially difficult, but it can be tricky to get the hang of the whole process — especially when problems don’t reveal themselves until the very end. Many of the questions that get asked on photography forums relate to troubleshooting the development process. Here, as a community service, are some…

Fall Colours

Fall colours in the Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Toronto (resting place of many famous Canadians, including several former Prime Ministers). I took this on a very pleasant Sunday afternoon walk with the family using the Rolleiflex 3.5E on 2007-dated Provia 100F film. The film was obviously stored well — I can see no evidence of fogging…