The old photoblog, based on Folderblog, had about 300 photos on it — pictures I had posted over about two years. The Folderblog site is still accessible, but I’ve decided to re-post (and back-date) the most popular photos from the old site into this WordPress blog. These photos — which all received five or…
All posts in Best of 2004-2006
Avon Hill Street
The view from the window of our inn in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in late June. Taken with the Yashicamat 124 on Kodak Tri-X, developed in PC-TEA.
Just Super
The bounty of North America on the shelves of a Toronto supermarket. Taken with the Olympus XA on Fuji Neopan 1600 film, developed in PC-TEA. This may be my last post for a week or so — I’m off to a conference in Nova Scotia and am not sure I’ll be able to update from…
King Street East 4
Overhead power and telephone lines are everywhere in downtown Toronto. You can either never look up when shooting, or you can try to work them into your compositions. I usually go for the latter. This was taken on our King Street East walk last week, at the corner of Jarvis St. Yashicamat 124 with orange…
King Street East 2
Another picture from Saint James’ Cathedral on King Street East — part of the continuing series. Yashicamat 124 with yellow filter, Agfa APX 100 developed in PC-Gly-TOL.
Canary Restaurant
Mining the archives: this one’s from June 2005. Taken with the Koni Omega 6x7cm rangefinder on HP5 Plus, developed in PC-Glycol.
Bay and College
This is a shot that I’ve had on Flickr for a while, where it got a positive response, so I’m giving it a try here. It was taken in January using the Olympus XA (thanks again Jon!) on Fomapan 200, developed in Rodinal.
Afternoon light
Today is the shortest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. Here in Toronto we’re closer to the equator than to the North Pole (though with the -9C temperatures, it sure doesn’t feel like it), and it still got dark mighty early. I shudder to think how many hours of daylight my visitors from…
Winter morning
As seen out my window on a wet and snowy morning. Taken on Fuji Neopan 1600 at box speed, developed in HC-110 dilution H, scanned and toned in PS.
Bus Bays
Abandoned bus bays at a transit station in mid-town Toronto. Olympus XA, Fuji Neopan 1600 film (at 800), camera propped up on a fence, exposure about 5 seconds. Given the “lith film” look in PS.