Hillcrest Park

“Fine art” photography has taken a back-seat to family photography lately, but I am still alive. Rolleiflex 3.5E, late-afternoon June light, Kodak Tri-X 400, developed in Rodinal. This combination is too grainy in 35mm for my taste, but it works well in 120.


At the Don Valley Brickworks, a little marshland oasis tucked into the middle of the City of Toronto. I’m not quite sure what to think of this image — part of me is very drawn to it, but part of me finds it very distracting. Taken with the Rolleiflex on Fuji Acros film, guesstimated exposure,…

Toronto Skyline

Sunset over the Toronto skyline, as seen from the Polson St. pier last weekend. This was taken on Fuji Acros with the Rolleiflex, which was securely mounted on my big heavy Manfrotto tripod. Exposure time was about one second at f/11.

Split Tones

Trying to make an interesting but non-overwrought rendition of lilies in B&W by starting with a colour image (from the Rolleiflex, Fuji NPZ film) and doing selective B&W conversion to tone gradients based on colour ranges. Enough Photoshop-speak for you?

Wheel of Light

I’ve felt a bit uninspired lately, so I decided to kick-start what’s left of my artistic brain by giving myself a project. For about a week, I carried around a deliberately limited rig (the Nikon FG loaded with a single roll of ultra-slow Efke 25, mounted with a slow and somewhat unsharp Sigma wide-angle zoom).…

Hillside view

From our recent short jaunt to Wakefield, Quebec. I mostly shot colour film on this trip, but did manage to squeeze in two rolls of Neopan 400 that I then massively under-developed (in Instant MYTOL). I’m 95% sure that the problem is with my thermometer, which seems to be reading everything 3-4 degrees colder than…