Best of Photosensitive, 2004-2006

The old photoblog, based on Folderblog, had about 300 photos on it — pictures I had posted over about two years. The Folderblog site is still accessible, but I’ve decided to re-post (and back-date) the most popular photos from the old site into this WordPress blog. These photos — which all received five or more comments from visitors, and represent about 10% of the total — can be seen in the Best of 2004-2006 category, along with the comments they received at the time. You might also be interested in my Flickr set, which has these photos plus others I feel are particularly “worthy”. Have a look!

The question now is what to do with the old Folderblog site. There are a lot of links pointing to it and to picture pages within it, and I don’t know of a good way to redirect them. Any ideas?