Sherwood Park Spring

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Sherwood Park runs along a natural ravine in the middle of Toronto. It’s a beautiful spot for a walk on a spring afternoon. This weekend we paid a visit with the Koni-Omega 6×7-format rangefinder, my heavy Manfrotto tripod, and a few rolls of Acros and Velvia. Here’s one of the results (click on the photo to get to its Flickr page, or see a larger version here).

The technical details: The exposure was something like 1/15th at f/16 to get good depth of field. I used the 58mm Omegon lens (a moderately wide-angle lens in this format) with a yellow filter. The film (Fuji Acros) was developed in Instant Mytol (see “Easy B&W Film Developers” on the sidebar) diluted 1+1, 9 minutes at 21C.